Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I love short weeks!!!

I don't know what it is, but I just love having four day weeks. It feels like I just blinked and tomorrow is already Wednesday. For some reason, when Wednesday arrives, I feel like the weekend is just around the corner:)

I can't post without saying BOOMER SOONER!!! That really made my weekend, and it made my night when I went to the sight and saw that we have jumped ahead of Texas in the polls. Don't know why that makes me so happy, but it always does.

We had a great time at the lake this weekend. We really enjoyed the extra day. The weather was absolutely gorgeous the whole time we were there!!! I got home last night around 7:30 or so, put things away, ate some food, and then I think I was in bed before 10. That is amazing for me. Today after school, I had to go buy some new running shoes and headphones for my ipod. Barkley chewed Ryan's headphones earlier this summer and I gave him mine. I haven't had the heart to ask him for them back, so today, I went and got a new pair. They are really nice too. I love them!!! I had to buy new shoes because last week, I came home from work, changed clothes, went to get my shoes on, and guess what??? Yeah, Barkley has hidden one somewhere and we are yet to find it. We have no clue what he has done with it. So needless to say, Barks has had a pretty expensive day. I know my shoe will turn up somewhere at a random time. I figure I'll just have another pair when it appears. Today after I went and got all this stuff, I came home and went for a run WITH my ipod. I forgot how much that little thing helps me out. I mean, the run was so different. It has been a struggle every time, but today, I just loved hearing my tunes. I guess it takes your mind off of how tired you feel. After I ran, I came home and walked the dogs, then I started cleaning. I got a lot done. I dusted, swept, mopped, and vaccumed most of our upstairs. Our house was in serious need. I still have more to do, but I feel better having a good start on it. Tomorrow night I am hoping to scrap a little. I need to make some cards ASAP!!! Hope everyone is having a good week!!!


Kodi Logan said...

four day weeks rock! i'm with you...once wednesday rolls around, i know i can make it through the week. :)

glad you enjoyed your run!

Tiffany Cooper said...

Amy, you are motivation. I just started running again b/c my girlfriends and I are going to run a 5k together in October and I have to tell you...my body feels like it's breaking down. All the pains I had with my pregnancies are multiplied, my body feels old. Reading your blog motivates me again.
Here's the sad part. I got an ipod shuffle and I still can't get it charged right on my computer. I need help! I'll have to go back to the store for assistance:)

Glad you are enjoying your short week!

Allison Davis said...

So Barkley is just like a kid...Drew "hides" stuff all the time!

Reading about your running makes me want to run! I used to all the time but kind of got out of it. I forgot how much I use to love it. I just might have to start that up again!

Holly said...

I actually thought about you and your football food Saturday night! Glad it went your way!