is as cute as he can be, BUT he is really spirited! He has quite the attitude. We just returned from Oklahoma this afternoon. We have had Barkley for exactly one week, and he has been here, the lake house, Oklahoma, and now back here again. Needless to say, he has no fear or inhibitions. I will post pics from Christmas later. My niece is a doll. She is spirited too:) Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas!!! We had a nice Christmas at the lake. We head to OK tomorrow to be with my family. We named the puppy Barkley. And, let me tell youl, Barkley is quite the little fellow! He has already stolen our hearts.
I picked up our new Westie puppy today after school. (Ryan's Christmas present) He is so cute. I can't wait to post pics tomorrow. He seems pretty calm, but time will tell:) We will see how he does through the night. Ryan was definitely surprised, and he seems to be excited too. Who couldn't love a puppy???
Monday, December 18, 2006
I am finally back online!!! These pics are from last weekend. It's always fun to try and get a "family" picture of the three of us. I make Ryan and Harley tough it out every year. I guess they're getting used to it. It was much easier this year than it usually is!!! Happy Monday:)
I love Christmas trees!!! This is my slightly lit and slightly decorated tree in the living room. And...look at those pretty blue boxes Ryan just put underneath it! If you look closely, you will see black marks on them. Ryan put those on there because he said he will know if I open the boxes and look inside. Think he knows how nosy I am??? Honestly, I am going to try my best not to peek. But it's really hard for me:) Ryan enjoys the challenge of trying to "Amy-Proof" presents!!! I love that he actually enjoys this, and I love you Ryan! I can't wait to see what's inside. Here is a picture of some of the Christmas cards I made this year. I just played, no rhyme or reason to them. I mostly used scraps of Christmas paper that I had left over from scrapbook pages I have made at some point:)
I can't believe I am home again for a snow day. This is day 4, and it isn't even Christmas yet. I hope that isn't a sign of winter to come. But I can't say I am sad to not be working:) Anyways, have a great Tuesday! Kindra, here are the pics of the two of us that I have.