Tuesday, September 02, 2008


anyone else not want to go back to work today? Or was it just me??? No, really, I did not want to go. I wanted it to be summer again. Just keepin' it real. Now it is raining so hard. I have a kitten meowing outside, and I don't know what to do. I don't even have milk here...I don't like milk AT ALL!!! I only have it if it is necessary for a recipe. So I gave the poor thing some rice krispies. Don't ask why I have cereal with no milk, but Rach said of all the cereals I had, Rice Krispies would be the best bet...Thanks Rach! It won't stop meowing It is obviously hungry because it ate the cereal. I don't know what to do. I am terribly allergic to cats, so I can't have one. However, I couldn't handle having an animal outside whom I thought was starving, lost from its mommy...which I think is the case. Any advice out there???


Tiffany Cooper said...

No advice. I'm not an animal lover myself. It rained here today too. It's still overcast but the rain has stopped. Every year the summers seem to go by faster and faster. I agree, it's a bummer.

Heather said...

I didn't want to go back to work yesterday either. Three day weekends are so nice.

I'm not a cat fan, but I would feel so bad for one left outside. Poor thing!

P.S. I can't believe you don't like milk! I drink about a gallon a week. :)

Anonymous said...

If you feed it, it's yours! Remember that cats kill snakes and mice! You don't have to pet it or let it inside...you may need it to get the pygmy rattlers!

Subhash said...
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