Monday, September 01, 2008

Gotta love...

a long weekend. I just wish they didn't go so fast! I hope everyone had a safe holiday weekend and got to enjoy themselves a little bit. But mostly, that everyone got to have a little down time. I know that is what I needed more than anything. I have just been here at the lake. I haven't moved my car since Friday when I returned home from work. All my neighbors were down. We hung out and had a really nice time. I don't know what I would do without them. I also got to enjoy the first weekend of college football. That is something I always look forward to when the season starts to change. My Sooners won 50-2:) Boomer Sooner! Have a great week!


Tiffany Cooper said...

I had never heard of Chattanooga until Sat. Somebody said it was like playing a high school team.
I'm trying to get Case to take a bottle so I can make it to some OU games this fall.
Glad you had a good weekend!

Holly said...

Glad you had an enjoyable weekend! That is a heck of a score!!!

Heather said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who stuck close to home! I barely left the house all weekend. It was great. Every weekend should be a 3-day weekend!!! :)

Kodi Logan said...

A 3 day weekend at home sounds really nice. I really enjoyed going to see my family and friends, but I'm paying for it now. We don't have any food, or house looks like a tornado hit it, we've got laundry piled up to the ceiling and we're all too tired to care!

I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend and hey...Rick said he "heard" (he doesn't know how much truth there is to it) that there is a bill in the senate to make school weeks 4 days instead of 5. Wouldn't that be nice!

Anonymous said...

Love you, mom

Subhash said...
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