Monday, September 10, 2007


has never been my favorite day of the week. Today is the first day of school when I have been really irritated with my class. I don't know that it's all their fault, but I swear when they returned from lunch, they were crazy!!! I am sure the fact that I don't have a break until 2:10 on Mondays doesn't help matters. But it seemed as though during lunchtime, aliens came and kidnapped my sweet class, and turned them into strange little creatures:) Today was the first time I have really had to get onto them as a group. They just wouldn't stop talking. So, hopefully, tomorrow will be better. It's gotta be, right??? Please say yes. When I taught special education, we had names for each of the days of the week. They were:

Mild Monday
Terrible Tuesday
Wacky Wednesday
Trying Thursday
Finally Friday

The strangest thing is that the name actually rarely differed from the way the day went. I guess they don't really apply these days, because today was certainly no Mild Monday. Maybe tomorrow will be better:) I hope everyone has a good week. I am bummed b/c today, I have looked forward to a good hard run all day long. Ryan was even going to join me. But, it won't stop raining! It hasn't rained all day. Not until I started to drive home anyways. I keep hoping it will stop. I won't last long on the treadmill....


Heather said...

Hey girl! Sorry you had a bad day with the kids. That's one thing that's nice about high school...if they are acting bad you only have them for 50 minutes. Mine are starting to ask me the question that I HATE..."What are we doing today?" For some reason, I can't stand that question. Maybe it's because they all walk in and ask it. Drives me nuts!!! Oh the joys of teaching...

Holly said...

Heather~ That is one of my biggest pet peeves too! I can't stand that question..I just wanna say, "Why, do you have somewhere to be? Can't you wait 5 friggin' minutes and find out when everyone else does?"

Amy, I hope you got your run in! Running seems to relieve the stress! I'll pray for NO TERRIBLE TUESDAY!!!

Ashlee and Carey said...

Hey chick! Don't worry about the kiddo's...just remember how blessed you are that none of them came home with you!!!! Tomorrow will be a much better day!

the scrappy chic said...

Heather and Holly! I hate that same thing!!! I always say, well, I haven't shared that with you yet, have I? They always look at me funny when I say that. Today is off to a much better start! I think it may have been the huge change in weather we had yesterday!!! That always messes with them. And, no, I didn't get my run in. Bummer!!!